Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Be prepared.. leave a travel plan

I work in a rural county that has a large section of National Forest and a large influx of Hunters and folks who want to visit nature. It never fails that every year we respond to calls for help from these well meaning adventures or the family of said person after they become lost and do not come home.

In this day and age technology allows for allot more communication and reliability on these tools to rescue us when things turn brown, technology is great until it fails, the majority of folks we find have dead phone batteries and complain that they had no signal to call 911.

It never fails that when someone is reported overdue we talk with family and or friends and there is absolutely no clue as to where the missing party was going, no idea on travel route, no idea about what type of equipment available and IF we are lucky we will get a almost accurate description of clothing.

This can be avoided and help those Searching if you leave some information with family including.

Where you are going and travel route to the trail head or camp
Location of trail head or nearest road.
Location of Campground or Hunting area.
Description of clothing or equipment

Just telling friends and family a few details will narrow the search area help guide searchers who may be looking for you.

Once you find yourself lost.. STAY PUT..DO NOT WANDER.. help them find you, set up camp, save your calories and energy, make yourself  big and wait.. Do not let foolish pride carry you further away from those looking for you.

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